1·The prologue of the commercial war has been opened up as China has entered the WTO.
2·In hundred year enterprise history, the first Chinese and foreign great commercial war erupted.
3·The first sino-foreign commercial war finally broke out during the hundreds of years Chisese business history.
4·Enterprises of oil and gas prospecting face severe market competition. Expense control plays an important role in the globally commercial war for more market shares.
5·With summer temperatures continue rising, the water market also followed the peak season, the water market commercial war once again become the focus of all attention.
6·After the war, he continued to work for commercial radio stations.
7·In the cold war Western strategists probably spent too much time worrying about the Soviet Union's military clout, and not enough analysing its commercial frailties.
8·Form early 20th century, especially after the Second world War, the policy of favoring international commercial arbitration come into being around the world.
9·Dating to pre-Roman times, it was an important textile and commercial center during the Middle Ages. The Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of the Spanish Succession(1701-1713). Population, 230, 414.
10·As both the United States and Germany had commercial interests in the islands, three American warships were dispatched to Samoa when Germany intervened in the war in 1889.